Friday, October 10, 2008


it has almost been a week of healthly eating at the harder household.  the hubby and i are getting into the swing of things.  no real complaints about the food selection.  let's keep up the good work, mr. harder.

it's snowing in carson pretty good right now.  i guess it's time to take the swamp cooler out of the window,  turn on the heater, and cuddle up with a warm blanket and some of dave's famous chai tea.  mmm...
i've been selling things on craigslist like a champion.  i'm pretty stoked about our sales.  were haven't sold any big ticket items, but it's really nice to get all of the furniture and what not we aren't using out of the house.
i have the painting itch.  i can't wait to put some new color on our walls!  we have only changed 2.5 rooms since we bought the house 3.5 years ago.  yikes.  it's time for some change around here.


TimmyMac said...

Hi Jami!

Erica said...

I like painting to although moving the furniture around is less work and then painting one wall multiple times to try colors out which I did. hope it goes well

No(dot dot)el said...

jami isn't it so fun to sell stuff anywhere on the internet. it's like validation that people other than friends and family like your stuff. so cool. i hope you sell it all and make some more fat cash for the holidays.