Thursday, September 25, 2008

a life with out cable

we officially don't have cable anymore.  well...if you don't count the staticy cbs and abc channels.  it's different without t.v.  life is sure less noisy, more creative, and still.  i kind of like it.

i've been watching more movies lately, and have wiped off the dust of some vhs' as well.  
the hubby and i made s'mores last night.  mmm, those are good.  i mentioned that it would be cool to sit in front of a fire.  unfortunately, we don't have a fire place, plus it's still a bit too warm for one.  anyway, i turned to technology to help me with this one.  i watched a yule log fire on you tube while eating my s'mores.  dave thought it was boring, but i enjoyed it. haha...
i actually sold something on craig's list.  after many weeks of our stuff on there, someone finally said they wanted something.  heck yes!  i am proud.


Señor H said...

yule logs are lame. I'd rather watch a christmas story 12 times in a row. Crap, we aren't going to get to watch a Christmas Story during Christmas. now i'm bummed.

Trista said...

sometimes our cable gets shut off because I don't pay the bill. It's usually ok unless there is an important game that contributes to Aric's fantasy league.
I like it very much, if i only had the courage to really do it for good.

jami said...

senor-that will be a problem.

trista-haha. that's awesome.

Erica said...

the smores sound yummy. Watching a fire on you-tube could be the solution to having a fire during the summer :)

No(dot dot)el said...

ahh, life before cable we will soon be with you in this crazy gesture of no cable and i am not looking forward to it.

jami said...

erica-that is true =o)

noel- i know what you are talking about. it's nice, but at the same time i miss it. it's bittersweet.